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Is this a new movement or a new old movement or an anti-movement? How do you know when your movement is done?

How about something very radical and un-American Chritian and return of the New Testement Church and the Reformation.

Barb M

REO Speedwagon might not be around, but the Cars are back together and going on tour...


It is possible that REO Speedwagon could be extremely relevant to the new Post Emergent Movement!

May I suggest a P-E Movement anthem courtesy of REO Speedwagon?

Time for Me to Fly:

I’ve been around for you
I’ve been up and down for you
But I just can’t get any relief
I’ve swallowed my pride for you
I’ve lived and lied for you
But you still make me feel like a thief

You got me stealin’ your love away
’cause you never give it
Peeling the years away
And we can’t relive it
I make you laugh
And you make me cry
I believe it’s time for me to fly

You said we’d work it out
You said that you had no doubt
That deep down we were really in love
Oh, but I’m tired of holding on
To a feeling I know is gone
I do believe that I’ve had enough

I’ve had enough of the falseness
Of a worn out relation
Enough of the jealousy
And the intoleration
I make you laugh
And you make me cry
I believe it’s time for me to fly

{refrain} time for me to fly
Oh, I’ve got to set myself free
Time for me to fly
And that’s just how it’s got to be
I know it hurts to say goodbye
But it’s time for me to fly

Chris Rosebrough


I have no words to respond, only a paper towel soaked with the coffee that I spewed on my laptop as a result of the uncontrollable laughter caused by your post.



Hi ! Your site is very interesting. Thank you.


Very good points, however one of the big things that lure people into this dangerous movement and keep them there is the practice of mysticsm. Tm based 'Christian' prayer to help you FEEL closer to God and play with the demonic in various expereinces, which in their minds is somehow pleasing to the Lord. Now you too can deem what is good and what is evil based soley on subjective mystical experiences instead of letting God have that right to declare the two, as God Almighty has already stated in his word. These people are now playing God. Adam and Eve did that too in the garden when they disregarded the voice of God and made a judgment on something, deeming it good instead of evil and bite into the experience. And then the damned the entire race with sin and rebellion. I see the emerging rebellion doing the same thing today. But I don't think they are done evolving yet...

Roger Oakland thru lighthousetrials publishing has a great book on the dangers of not worshiping in spirit and in truth. Faith Undone. It is as if the Emerging psudo- church is taking the way of Cain, who says, "but I'll do it my way." We see how well that went over for him, God rejected his offering. He wandered about aimlessly for his duration on earth miserable.

Also Ray Yungen wrote one of the best books I have read this year by the same publisher called "A Time of Departing." Brain Flynn thru the same publisher wrote, "Running Against the Wind". All very good.

Lastly, I guess why I am growing concerned is that I believe this Emergent/Purpose- Driven is going to morph into what is ultimatly the Whore of Revelation in chpt 17. I beleive that is where they and all the rest of the world's religons are going to be gathering into. So you are talking about being post emergent, well so am I, when I see them evolving into that the final rebellion which results in the all the world religons uniting into this New Spirituality. Where everything is allowed because we are all One and We are All Divine as they think and then God destroys them all. I think they at the Emerging church are still evolving and while that may not have held your attention, at the next step, I think it will hold many peoples attention to their destruction.



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