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Could you change the color based on the Church year? I would love some blue for Advent or purple for Lent.

Chris Rosebrough

You're killing me Steve!

Dan at Necessary Roughness

Ha ha ha. For changing colors you'll have to go to Cyberstones. :)



What do you say to someone who hates Christianity because of the Crusades?


I serve as an Elder at a LCMS congregation, my Pastor is convinced we can pull the ’40 days of Community’ study with the proper theology applied. I cannot seem to deter him so my thoughts are that I should get involved and try and point out the failures of this study. Other than this site and KFUO, do you have any materials so that I can get a jump start on this?


I read with interest that you're an ex Nazarene. I'm part of a Baptist church, but as you may have noticed from my blog, work for the Wesleyan Methodists, who have close links to the Nazarenes here in Australia. Thanks for letting me know about this blog. I plan to visit regularly.

John Yeazel


I have written my theological beliefs on MY Space in order that my kids can get a better grasp of what I believe to be the truth. I tried to put them in my own words and am worried that I might be a bit off. I would appreciate it if one of you could read through it and critique it. Just the stuff in my profile. Also, I wrote it for my kids but now I am getting about a 100 hits a day from their friends and others on the site. I want to make sure I am not leading others astray by what I am saying.
My name is John Yeazel- if you go to myspace.com and then enter my name in the search area my profile should come up. I realize this is asking a lot but I am getting too many people reading now- I trust your guys opinions.

John Yeazel

Charlotte Naven

Sadly, you wil have to remove your Issues Etc. link. I was hoping you might have some information about the cancellation of that program. I am really going to miss it.

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