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Consider an alternative view of the destruction of the temple.

Jesus stated that the temple would be complete destroyed (Mark 13). The destruction of the temple is God's statement that the need to animal sacrifices is no longer needed since Christ is the final perfect sacrifice. This is consistant with the tearing of the vail of the Holy of Holies (Mark 15:58).

God has used "evil" nations , such as Assyria, as part for his purposes.

Steven G.

Steve, what does this have to do with the post? In case you missed it, Chris is using the plundering of Temple as an analogy for the "plundering" that is happening today with the removal of doctrinally focused hymns. I would add that this same "plundering" happens in the sermons that a lot of Evangelicals are preaching.


The "plundering of the temple" is a God created event. A better view is how the Pharisees plundered the grace of God by creating their own theology of works and beliefs that was based on man's efforts and to in God's grace.

Steven G.

I am not going to argue with that (the Pharisees' plundering of God's grace). In fact that is what most of popular Christian music and preaching teaches.


The danger of the teachings of the "Phariees" in the Christian church is more danagerous that that of culture in the Church. The first replaces the work of Christ with the work of man while looking like the real thing. The second rejects the gospel with another "religion". We can more easily see the second coming than the first.

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