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Could someone tell me why the CFR is "evil" and why a "one world" government is a danger to the Gospel? While the CFR may be a "danager" to the US, the US is not the Church.



Many evangelicals have been taught that the Anti-Christ will be ruler of a one-world government. That the tribulation will literally be the world-wide extermination of Christians by this one-world government with Satan as its king.

If Rick Warren is a member of the CFR as the article says, then Evangelicals who believe this end-time scenario will see Rick Warren as a traitor. As someone who is trying to bring the anti-christ to power and destroy the church.



Are Christians stating that the power of their view of the "anti-Christ" more powerful than the Chruch of Christ?



No, BUT the picture painted in the Bible is of the Anti-Christ having a season where he is conquering the church. It is their understanding of the 'great tribulation'.


I have been interested in the biblical basis for Anti-Christ. If the Anti-Christ is conquering the Church does that make the anti-Christ more powerful than Christ?

The Lutheran Confessions call the office of the Pope an Anti-Christ. Is this the same anti-Christ?

Chris Rosebrough


CPH has a good resource that breaks down the millenial mindset as it relates to the end-times.

It's called "The End Times: A Study on Eschatology and Millennialism" you can find it at CPH.org.

It is only a $1.50 but it does a great job of unravelling all of this stuff.


My point is that many "Evanglicals" make claims about the "anti-Christ" but they don't have the biblical references to support their position. They tend to view the "anti-Christ" in geo-politcal terms, not in theological terms.

Secret Rapture

My inaugural address at the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead, after I have raptured out billions!
Read My Inaugural Address
My Site=http://www.angelfire.com/crazy/spaceman

Chris Rosebrough

Dear Secret Rapture,

I was sooooo tempted to delete your comment. However, I found your link to be entertaining in a really sad kind of way. The graphic of the Alien Jesus on the cross was the best!

I am recommending that everyone visit your site so that they can see what happens when people unbuckle themselves from God's word.

Your crazy religious ides will serve as a warning to us.



You should read chapter 13 of the Revelation book in the Bible. It explains the emergence of the beast's world governement and the prosecution of the saints.

There is another beast described in this chapter that fits fine with the religious antichrist (ie pope = Luther's and Calvin's antichrist)

About CFR: read "En Route to global occupation" by Gary Kah. It explains things without sensationalism.

Secret Rapture

Thank you for leaving my link up. The Secret Rapture soon! Within months, if not years, by my hand we will be in the post apocalyptic world of 'Jericho' on TV! Stay tuned!

james cate

Hello; Was trying to find a link to this fool, but he is hidding. Please provide his address if you have same.


Found this article from 2006 while searching for research for some political articles I have been writing. As a Christian, see it is another of those Christian bashing sites, but let me clarify for you that the right wing evangelicals to most believing Christians are accelerating the "end of times," in their unconditional support for Israel, whether right or wrong. As far as the Council on Foreign Relations and those that see this group as a threat to U.S. sovereignty....it is a threat to U.S. sovereignty as they do have an agenda in global socialism...the "one world government" you speech, which does not include our Bill of Rights but the government itself as sovereign. It is not a "conspiracy theory" it is fact if you would do some research on this organization. Once the Amero comes out, and right now our economy is becoming more and more like Mexico's in order to "equalize" the three countries of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.....in deflating our dollars and making foreign investment more attractive with our deficit where it is right now is part of the agenda. Did you know that the Federal Reserve is a private banking concern, and owned by three foreign banks and Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers? Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs just declared bankruptcy, or near financial collapse, yet they wanted Congress to bail them out with a loan from the Federal Reserve, i.e., themselves?

Did you know that AIG is not a U.S. based corporation, but that it's headquarters are in London, and that it was one of the largest contributors to the 2008 election campaigns, as was Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers and Morgan Stanley. Did you know that Henry Paulson was given sole authority for the bailout, and is an ex employee of Goldman Sachs, and that Warren Buffet (who owns GEICO)just heavily invested in Goldman Sachs making him now a co-owner in the Federal Reserve, and is buying AIG stock so that, most likely, he can diversify with this "global" industry and most likely gain the "government contract" for the National Health Care Plan (as GEICO underwrites most government employee benefits already), and will be in charge then of deciding who lives and dies in this country. If you have cut rate GEICO auto insurance, just think what you health care plan under the Universal Health Care Plan will be like. He is also a zero population growth advocate, so don't look for much perks insofar as when you are elderly and might need that heart bypass surgery. He's a bottom line profit guy, so will most likely cut off the oxygen.

You really need to do some more research into just who are members of the CFR....the Bushes, McCain, Obama, Biden, the Clintons, Richardson....it doesn't matter what party is in charge now, both have merged under the CFR agenda. Six of the eleven new cabinet picks of Obama's are CFR members, so they will stay the course, and we will go to war with Pakistan in order to protect Dell and Microsofts employment base in India. There will be no withdrawl, since Bush just signed the treaty with Iraq calling for withdrawal in 2011, just in time for the next election. While our borders remain open, the CBP and Bush just authorized Visa Waivers for 27 different countries, including South Korea and Great Britain (home of the shoe bomber) to enter the U.S. with no background checks whatsoever.

You really need to do a little research, before you call all those that see that merging our country with the economies, and national security of Mexico (corrupt to it's core) and Canada (under British rule, the country we fought a war to escape) will mean the death knell to our Constitution, and your Bill of Rights. It's already happened under one CFR member, Bush, just wait until you see what is in store. Once that National Health Care Plan of Buffett's is put in place, every employer in the nation will drop private coverage. Obama is an big business, big government, globalist the same as Bush. There has been no change, except the face at the podium.

Betsy Roass

Here's a better link to lay out the CFR and it's agenda:


Betsy Ross

If the link doesn't work, it's entitled "Tack's Tackle Shop," on Newsblaze.


This last bit of information is brilliant and if you all do the research, you will find that almost all of that information is not hidden, but right out in the open. Do the research and don't count on our biased media to force feed you a lie.

I believe in America and I believe in freedom. I believe in God and consider myself a Christian. I believe that we are not to be slaves to this world and that God has called us to so much more.

Do the research and you will find that the 'whack jobs' actually aren't that whacky after all.


This last bit of information is brilliant and if you all do the research, you will find that almost all of that information is not hidden, but right out in the open. Do the research and don't count on our biased media to force feed you a lie.

I believe in America and I believe in freedom. I believe in God and consider myself a Christian. I believe that we are not to be slaves to this world and that God has called us to so much more.

Do the research and you will find that the 'whack jobs' actually aren't that whacky after all.


I agree with Betsy_Ross.It's unfortunate to find Rick Warren even connected with anyone in the White House but with all his books he's become to powerful for the "elitist" to ignore anymore. Wake up people! Do you want to be like sheep and be lead astray? Remember knowledge is power. Just like God's word. It doesn't matter who is in the white house, or what political party is in control. God's hand is on everything for his purpose, but we still have to be aware who is manipulating the people (us). Our sovereignty is being stolen as we speak on the internet. Do your research. God didn't write Ezekiel, Daniel, Revelations and other prophetic books to believe it's allegory. We are in the End Times, hello! Propoganda through the media has taken a foothold in society and no one says a word except when it affects their pocket book. Do you really think the stock market crash wasn't a deliberate attempt to control us more? Bailout the same people who caused it. Insanity! Print money that doesn't exist. Our dollar is devalued, abortion and homosexuality has become more mainstream than ever before.

Their are several websites mentioned...google CFR...this isn't conspiricy anymore. This is fact. God help us we're raptured for the --- hit's the fan because those chaptures in revealations make the Ten plagues of Egypt look like a walk in the park.

Check out, "You Tube"- Behind the Big News: Propaganda and the CFR


If John in his letters was warning against a 'spirit' of antichrist and there were many manifesting it when he wrote we should take particular note of what he meant by it for this is the only time such a word is used in the bible.
Confusion can arise if only one person is anticipated. The accounts in Isaiah 14, Daniel, Matt24, 2 Thess 2 and Rev 13 suggest both a deceptive political/military beast and a deceptive religious beast.
For further insight into what the antichrist is and what it is not, please listen to this audio which many may find shocking.


We don't need a global government to persecute Christianity, the good ol' US of Israel is doing OK on its own.


Let's take a look at those under the Eye of the "Christian Banner" and see if they aren't working to either bring scrupulation or set agendas of government and corporations. It is unfortunately all about money and globalization accomplishes this goal, under the guise of less oversight, competition, and control to sell, buy or trade. Sound like something you have read in your bibles? Research "Aaron Russo in Freedom to Facism". Rick Warren is also apart of "The Tony Blair Faith Foundation", promoting a one world unity of religious structures. I find him appaulling and ignorant if, he believes he is doing the work of a "Sovereign God, Nation, and Church. Remember, Matthew:21 Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord," shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
22 Many will say to Me in that day, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?"
23 And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness."



I was a John Birch Society guy for many years. Going to meetings, buying the best in conspiracy books (and Christian authors, the "best" of them are Epperson and Kah). I even went to lectures and met Ron Paul (he's changed his views somewhat) and Ezola Foster (Pat Buchanan's VP choice for his indi run... she had a bookstore not too far from the JB book store in North Hollywood). A funny thing happened. I started to listen to talk radio and liked Prager's and Medved's take on conversation and politics. Michael Medved has a show every full moon called "The Conspiracy Show." In this show (all 3-hours of it), he would take calls from conspiracy persons that he would normally not accept other days. Great stuff. Some of these types of calls can be found under the tags "Michael Medved" or "Conspiracies" here:


This show challenged my historical take on things and caused me to realize that many of the other beliefs I strongly hold are ones compared, contrasted, and debated. I had never really dug into this topic that well, I had just accepted it. (Something I didn't do with the creation/intelligent design vs. evolutionary/Philosophical naturalism, conservative/original intent vs. progressivism/"living" constitution, Christian theism vs. pantheism, etc.) So I set out on a long journey of re-reading many of these books with an eye attuned more towards actual historical events and following the references to their conclusion.

Needless to say while I am still a tribulationist, and believe that the end-times are near (as did the Apostles, as did the Reformers... this eminence of Christ throughout church history is in my eyes one of the great miracles of God), I do not hold to most of the NWO theories I once did. In fact, I write on countering some of these more crazy 9/11 and birther conspiracies when appropriate. In fact, here is an example yesterday that reminded me of the lunacy of this movement and the gullibility of those that swallow it. A high school acquaintance posted this quote on his FB:

"I believe that
banking institutions are more dangerous to
our liberties than standing armies.
If the American people ever allow
private banks to control the issue of their
currency, first by inflation, then by
deflation, the banks and corporations that will
grow up around the banks will deprive the people
of all property"

I use to believe that quote. I use to use that quote. While I am not a Ron Paul fan, I know these guys and gals who believe that quote are, so I posted a link to him refuting that quote:


To which I followed with this right after posting this link, knowing this is an often over looked reality when dealing with the Federal Reserve (also Ron Paul):

The Fed is not a private bank. PRIVATIZE THE FED!!!
"The Federal Reserve Banks should simply be regarded as governmental agencies."
-Murray Rothbard

"I now call the Federal Reserve the fourth branch of government." -Ron Paul

This is like a stake through the heart of these NWO people/Alex Jones types. At any rate, there are all sorts of people who are on the CFR. libertarians, conservatives, socialists, Marxists, Constitutionalists, Ayn Rand followers to Adam Smith followers... and they battle and try to empower their views as the most logical and sound philosophies there just like our Congress does. I hope that the conservative (paleo-liberal) view wins in that arena like I do in the Congressional one.

Why do I not think the NWO can do what I think its adherents say it can and does do? Because of 1) man's selfish and fallen nature, and 2) because of the Holy Spirit's indwelling in the believers heart. Whenever this "cork" is removed (my life-time or the people hundreds of years from now) is when people will be more apt to completely give way to their "spiritual side" and follow doctrines of demons. I myself am still witnessing to pagans, aren't you? (The proverbial "you")



cynthia curran

Well, the Cfr can be damaging but like another person here on the board I have left the John Birchers about 30 years ago. And yes, in some circles being a member of the CFR hurts for Rick Warren but the days of the Birchers in Orange County where Warren's church is are way past their prime,probably only Southern Bapists Wiley Drake who ran with Allen Keyes-on the American Independent Party is one of the few Bircher pastors left in Orange County. Warren congretion being probably moderate politically conservative probably support mainly MCCain and a few did Obama and maybe only a handful would have supported Allen Keyes,anyway. Also, there are strange pretriests views in Evangelical christianty as well. On the internet, one Evangelical that read Procopius's Secret History thought the Emperor Justinian was the anti-christ and the Empress Theodora was the whore mention in Revelation. This is interestng considering that both Justinian and Theodora are saints in the Orthodox churches and Theodora is alsoa oriential Orthodox churches as well. But Justinian and Theodora did have colorful backgrounds that led some of their comtempories to think that they were evil.

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