If the purpose of God’s law isn’t to show me how to be perfect so that I can please God and be saved then what is it’s purpose?
This was the question on which my very life and faith hung.
I’d lived for years under the dry scorching wind of law-based sermons, practical application sermons, steps to pleasing God sermons and I nearly walked away from Christianity as a result. But, Dr. Rosenbladt kept me from walking away by giving me the good news of Jesus’ shed blood on the cross for my sins. But this created a conflict within me.
I began to believe that there was a blatant contradiction that existed between the message of the law and the message of the gospel and I didn’t know how to resolve the contradiction. The law demands my absolute perfect obedience in order to be saved while the gospel offers salvation as 100% gift. In short, I didn’t know which story to believe and the thought of completely trusting in the promises of Christ for my salvation was frightening because it sounded far too good to be true. I needed a way to break the stalemate and I wasn't going to find it in my heart or my feelings. The answer was only going to be found in scriptures.
Through the advice of another Lutheran friend I studied Paul’s letters to the Galatians and the Romans. While reading and laboring through these books I came across the passages that I needed to resolve the contradictions that were pulling me in two different directions.
The first key passage was Galatians 2:15-16 which says, “15 We ourselves are Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners; 16 yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.”
This passage hit home with me. It was crystal clear from these verses that no one, not even myself, would be saved by keeping the law. As I read this passage over and over again it became clearer and clearer that my ability or inability to achieve sinless perfection was not going to be the deciding factor in my salvation regardless of what I had been taught or even what I intuitively felt was true. Why? Because scripture says that no one is saved by keeping the law. God’s word literally blocks that route. But I still didn’t understand why God gave the law if no one was going to be saved by keeping it.
Romans 3:20 answered that question for me. It says, “For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin.”
A light went on in my head. I got it and I actually understood it. This passage clearly teaches that the law was given to show me my sin and show me my utter need for a savior. This explained why every time I listened to a law-based sermon I felt so miserable. The reason was because the law was showing me how sinful and depraved I was. The law was doing what it was supposed to do. I always felt convicted by this type of preaching precisely because I was always guilty of breaking God’s law. That was exactly what I was supposed to feel.
I was beginning to see the truth the scales were coming off my eyes.
My Nazarene pastors, my school teachers and the people I heard on the radio apparently didn’t understand this. They were misapplying the law. They believed and taught that the primary purpose of the law was to show us how to live a righteous and God pleasing life. That was why they were always inventing strategies, practical steps, applications and ways by which to conquer sin. Sadly, those who wrote books and were clever enough to be on the Focus on the Family radio program actually believed that they were keeping God’s law. They acted like they had conquered the sin in their life and were living a righteous and God pleasing life. But, if they were honest with themselves they would have seen that they weren’t. Why? Because, the law demands PERFECT obedience. That is why the Apostle Paul tells us that “All who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, “Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them.” (Gal. 3:10 )
I was told that the gospel is milk and that the law is meat. But scripture says quite the opposite. Paul wrote to the Galatian churches, “So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, 26 for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. (Galatians 3:24-26).
According to scripture the law was our guardian and we are no longer under a guardian because we who are in Christ are now sons of God THROUGH FAITH not by works of the law. In other words, the law is for the immature children and the gospel of Jesus Christ is for the mature.
Once God opened my eyes through his Holy Word that the purpose of the law is to show me my sin and that I can’t be saved by keeping it, I was finally set free from that mean and demanding guardian. I could now embrace and believe the free gift of salvation offered to me on account of Christ. Scripture says that Jesus was without sin (Hebrews 4:15). That means HE lived the perfect life that the law demanded of me and He did it FOR ME. Jesus is the Righteous One and His perfect righteousness if offered to me for free, gratis, as a gift through faith. That is why Ephesians 2:8-9 says, ”For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.“
For the first time in my life I could feel and experience peace with God. I no longer viewed Him as a vindictive and angry God who was anxiously waiting the day when He could send me to hell. Instead, I saw Him as a loving, compassionate and just God who loved me so much that HE DIED FOR ME and FOR MY SINS. In fact, He loved me so much that He took my punishment on himself and let me go free. I no longer believed that God was waiting to judge me. Instead I believed what scripture says about Him. That He is patiently looking forward to the day that He has chosen for the two us to meet face to face. This will be the day that God will receive me into His home as His son.
The Gospel Has Taught Me That...
Because of Jesus Christ ALL of my sins are forgiven. This includes every sin I will ever commit in my lifetime.
Because of Jesus Christ I have peace with God.
Because of Jesus Christ I have a Loving Father in Heaven.
Because of Jesus Christ I have hope.
Jesus Christ will one day say to me, ”Well done thou good and faithful servant.“ Not because of any righteousness on my part but because of His Righteousness that is given to me as a gift through faith.
Nazarene No More
My wife and I left the Nazarene church at the end of my first year at CC and never looked back. We joined a Church that taught both God's Law and the Gospel week after week.
Although it is tempting to be bitter about my exerpience in the Nazarene church, I believe that I would never have been able to understand just how sweet the Gospel is if it were not for the terrifying ordeal their type of preaching had put me through. Without the condemning words of the Law I would never have been able to experience the refreshing words of Romans 8:1-4 which says, ”1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. 3 For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.“
Closing Thoughts
It’s been almost 20 years since I first set foot on the Campus of Christ College. As I’ve grown older and the whiskers in my beard have begun to turn grey, I’ve become like Dr. Rosebladt. I am now the walking antithesis of the ‘victorious Christian life’. I no longer subscribe to the latest and greatest ‘sin conquering programs’ and fads. Like Rosebladt and our Christian fathers before us, I confess that I am a poor miserable sinner in desperate and in dire need of a savior. Daily I sin against God by my thoughts, my words and my deeds. By what I have done and even worse, by what I have left undone. Because of these sins, I justly deserve God’s punishment both now and for eternity... But in God’s word there is another teaching. It is called the Gospel and it is truly good news. It says that for Christ’s sake ALL of my sins are forgiven. This other teaching tells me that Jesus’ death on the cross IS enough to save a sinner like me.
And It is enough to even save a sinner like you.
Did God Really Tell Him That?
Jay Bakker, son of Jim and Tammy Bakker is now a minister. He’s planted an emergent church in Atlanta called Revolution.
One of the more interesting statements of this up-and-coming Emergent leader is that he claims that God spoke directly to his heart and told him that homosexuality “is not a sin”. Here is the link to the interview that documents this claim.
Forget your disgust and disdain for Jim and Tammy for a minute. Don’t judge Jay based upon his tattoos and his completely screwed up childhood. In fact, let’s pretend for a few minutes that Jay Bakker is not the one who is claiming that God told him that homosexuality is not a sin. Let’s pretend that it is Billy Graham making this claim. Even better, let’s pretend that the Angel Gabriel has appeared from heaven and is being interviewed on CNN. During his interview the Angel Gabriel tells the world that God wants us to know that homosexuality is not a sin.
To prove his credentials the Angel Gabriel causes it to snow in Baghdad on the fourth of July and he raises Gerald Ford from the dead on live television.
I’m serious. Imagine that these things have just happened in reality and the whole world has seen and heard it.
Will you believe the Angel Gabriel? Will you believe that homosexuality is NOT on God’s ‘sin list’?
How you answer this question says a lot about what you believe about scripture and its authority.
Here’s my answer.
If the Bible is truly God’s word then I don’t care if someone appeared claiming to be Jesus Christ himself and said that homosexuality is not a sin. The Bible is perfectly clear that homosexuality IS a sin.
Scripture is perfectly clear on this matter.
So now we have to decide whether or not alternative sources of spiritual information have as much authority or more than scripture.
If you agree with the Angel Gabriel in our scenario then you believe either that God’s word is NOT authoritative and is telling us the truth or you believe in a god who changes his mind on what is right and wrong.
But here is the simple answer, God’s word is true and all men and angels who contradict it are liars. Therefore, we must reject the message of the Angel Gabriel as a lie. Therefore, we must reject the message of Jay Bakker as a lie.
There are no two ways about it. Jay Bakker is a heretic and must be rejected as a liar. His church has a duty to remove him from ministry. He is telling lies and attributing them to God.
Chris Rosebrough (@PirateChristian) on January 01, 2007 in Observations / Comments | Permalink | Comments (59) | TrackBack (0)
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