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Come on. Why don't you talk about a church that does things right instead of wasting time making stuff like this. Why don't you help people see an alternative to the way these people you are constantly attack do ministry. Can you do something that is not reactive, that would be a nice change.


Come on. Why don't you talk about a church that does things right instead of wasting time making stuff like this. Why don't you help people see an alternative to the way these people you are constantly attack do ministry. Can you do something that is not reactive, that would be a nice change.



I thought the decision card was hilarious.

I also think it is useful. See the first step in recovery is admitting that you have a problem. Once Warren and the gang admit they have a problem then Extreme Theology can help them see the alternative.


Jared-- I don't suppose you've heard of that scene in Monty Python's Life of Brian where, at the crucifixion, everyone is singing, "Look on the bright side of life"?

If you want the positive alternatives, just check out Chris's "Sites of note" in his links section.


Can a person be a Christian and a Muslim at the same time?

This Priest says YES




Chris, I see Mike Toole was right (in his last post in,..." dunking pastors"...). But what I don't understand is, why the change in tactics ? And how anyone could think that ridicule or belittlement could help someone recognize that they have a problem, makes me wonder if they ever have put themselves in another's shoes. If RW and those like him choose to ignore sound biblical truths, expressed as Jesus would rebuke and reprove, then how would any other method be an improvement? And to poke fun at any leader, makes their followers more loyal to their leader. It's the same as when someone starts yelling and cursing, the listener is alienated and stops listening at all. I don't see any benefit, if you alienate the very people you are trying to reach. And some of the bad fruits are showing in your last 3 posts. Please look again at the comments. Am I ever tempted to use ridicule when I'm angry? I'd be a liar to say no. Do I sin? Again, I'd be a liar to say no. Just admitting to both, doesn't give me free license to do either. But it should and does make me think about how people reached my heart. What worked? What didn't? Not once did ridicule in any form convict my heart or challenge my mind to consider any further. It only provoked anger and resentment. People that reached me were direct, honest, firm and compassionate. They never forgot who they were in their past. I am so sad and sorry to realize you seem to enjoy this method and that you have a majority approval of your regular posters to continue more of these types of posts. And Mike was compassionate and honest..." What started out as a labour of love..." And I agree, I believe you really started out trying to help leaders and their followers, with false doctrine to see their error and sin. But it has spiraled down to something else. I am praying for you and for everyone who's asking you for more of these type posts. In text, it's hard to determine if grief is real or contrived. I hope you all know my heart's hurt is real for my brothers and sisters.



A pastor on my hometown with a similar take.


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