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this is soooo amazing-- I have been reading until my eyes hurt to try to understand this emergent movement-- i have known that McClaren is the guru- but I haven't really been able to put it altogether the way you are doing here- thankyou


I was reading through your critique of McLaren's new book, and found your assessment to be very thought provoking and well thought out. I would be very interested to further discuss (not argue) your views on McLaren's ideology via email. Please email me at [email protected] so that I could possibly contact you with some thoughts for discussion. Thanks
A brother in Christ,


Shane Vander Hart

Well thought out critique - it is hard for our culture to accept the fact ath we are totally depraved and dead in our sins. The theology held by McClaren and others in the Emergent Village (which I distinguish from the Emerging Church movement) cheapens the Gospel.


Check out this discussion of a McLaren video on Youtube.


john frerich

Thank you for the excellent review of this horrible book. I have been following the development of this movement the last 2 years and it is really disturbing. An excellent, highly recommended read that puts this whole heresy into clear focus is Roger Oakland's "Faith Undone", he of "Understanding the Times" website. I just finished it and could not sleep last night.


I am certainly hesitant upon embracing B McClaren's teachings. While I would not throw out all of emergent teachings (since I've been to emergent church sights that were quite orthodox), I believe that you have done a good job in discernment without being either obnoxious or rude....the way discernment should be done. Keep up the great work.


Christian Beyer

It is a good book, isn't it? I liked it as well. If you enjoyed Brian's books you should check out Buxey Cavey's book "The End of Religion". So scary but oh so promising.

Christian Beyer

It is a good book, isn't it? I liked it as well. If you enjoyed Brian's books you should check out Buxey Cavey's book "The End of Religion". So scary but oh so promising.

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