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Steve Martin

Great post.

I don't need to be reminded that suffering is a part of this fallen world, but it never hurts to be reminded that our Lord has something far greater in store for us.

I too, get a bit tired of the 'Stepford Wife' type Christian that oozes a super-piety as if they are immune to the troubles of this world. It is a lie, pure and simple, and it sets others up for deep despair and a crumbling of faith.

The theology of the cross is the only theology that I can honestly grasp and that has grabbed a hold of me.

Thanks Pastor!

- Steve Martin San Clemente, CA

Steve Newell

Luther had a great way to express this type of theology, "Theology of Glory". Come that to the "Theology of the Cross". There is suffering in the latter but not in the former.


This is indeed a great post. Thanks for telling it like it is. We were called to suffer (1 Pet 2:21). Suffering is part of Christianity.

Btw, I love your "Botox" expression. Cool!

Pr. Paul A. Siems

Rom 8:17
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

This preceding verse is extremely important in our evalutation of our sufferings, for not all suffering is for the sake of righteousness and not all suffering is on account of suffering with Him.

We do well to remember that suffering often is the result of our own stubborn refusal to hear Him and to walk in Him. For when we stubbornly subject ourselves to things from which He has warned us to mark and avoid, this is not the way of the cross of Christ, but a perverted way of our own glory. It can often be difficult to discern. Nevertheless, when we truly are suffering with Him, as St. Paul writes, then we see the glory of His suffering to which we have been conjoined by Baptism into Him and into His name, which is the cause of our earthly rejection and suffering.

Then as the apostle also admonishes, we rejoice always, especially in our suffering that comes from our identity with Christ.



Thanks for this great reminder...

But what do you mean by "[Jesus] knew the depths of the affliction of hell."

I am sure that you did not mean what this seems to suggest. That being Jesus suffered in hell. This is the worst lie that is perpetrated by the "Word Faith"/"Prosperity Gospel" heritics. They say that Jesus had to suffer in hell and be "born-again" in order to complete His atonement for our sin.

Of course when Jesus said on the cross..."It is finished", he meant it. Praise the Lord!


Oops, Sorry Pastor Bryan.

I just assumed that Chris had posted this.

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