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Steve Newell

The reality of the situation is that the BSC and the LCMS will not allow an independent IE on any LCMS media outlet. Even if IE bought the air time, it just will not happen.



BTW...will Fighting for the Faith be updated on iTunes?

David Cochrane


Thank you for all your hard work getting Issues Etc. back on for the rest of us to enjoy. I look forward to the rest of your offerings on PCR.

I share your disgust with how Pr Wilken and Mr Swarz were let go with absolutely no warning or explanation. However, with all due respect Diane Summers and Rev. Siegel should not be referred to in such a cavalier way. As far as anyone knows neither had anything to do with the decision to deep six Issues Etc. Out of Christian charity please refrain from these types of postings. It does absolutely no good to harbour ill and will actually hinder it by giving those who truly oppose you ammunition to use against you.

You are definately in my prayers and I look forward to hearing you more on the new IE!

God's peace. †

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