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I certainly like this guy, and I've enjoyed listening to the excerpts that you've posted. But (and this is probably a question not meant for the nonLutheran readers...nothing to see here, move on...) how do you resolve the doctrine of his Church (which is OBVIOUSLY non-Lutheran according to the website) with what he's saying? Is he preaching a non-sacramental Lutheran theology? What's your impression of him?


Praise be to the slaughtered Lamb of God, who gave Himself in order to make us His trophies of grace! What a beautiful God He is!


I think we all need to be very careful in how we talk about Christ's bride, though. It is very important to distinguish between 'hirelings' and the true Church. If a pastor/preacher doesn't understand the point of the Gospel then he is not a true pastor/preacher of the Gospel. It is not the Church that is the problem, it is the false converts (who are oftentimes behind the pulpit) pretending to be the church that is the problem.

Chris Rosebrough


We Lutherans believe that we have Christian brothers and sisters in other denominations. We have doctrinal disagreements with them on such doctrines as the church, the sacraments, and eternal security. These disagreements do not make them 'non-brothers'. What unites us is The Gospel and the simple message of repentance and the forgiveness of sins in Jesus' name.

In the case of this video, Pastor Matt is preaching the truth regarding the gospel and we Lutherans can say a hearty amen to this truth.

Mike Keith

I hope more non-Lutherans could speak this way. Well, and more Lutherans too.

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