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You've missed some history.

Rick Warren didn't start this... Chuck Smith(Born 1927) did. Before anyone heard of Saddleback, in 1981 my Grandparents huddled in one of Chuck Smith's end of the world rapture vigils at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.

Chuck Smith taught the "Mosaic"(as in Moses) style of church leadership and growth as opposed to the traditional board-of-elders style. He encouraged prospective pastors in his audio Bible school to plant churches in ways ensuring the pastor's autocratic power over church direction and assets. When such power could not be intially guaranteed, it should be assumed as soon as possible.

The first move of the Pastor-King should be to employ the most expensive music director possible. As the worship dynamo is the most critical element to the growth and sustainance of the church. At the first church I can remember, when I was 6 or 7, our pastor Burt Smith(unrelated to Chuck, but by his suggestions) did just this. He had his secretary alter the minutes of the board meeting and hire a 200K/yr music director. The board of elders dissolved itself and made an exodus from the church. It was not many months later when a Sunday School student walked in on the 200K music director in the throes of passion with the new youth pastor while looking for more chairs for his Sunday school class.

Their should be plenty of critiques of the Calvary Chapel movement on the web, but this did not start with Drucker. Drucker is merely used as an extention of this autocratic/"mosaic" Church growth model already developed by Chuck Smith. At some point long before Warren, Chuck Smith had the business savvy to franchise Calvary Chapel.

This is where the church-growth model became a central component in evangelicalism. Since Calvary Chapel was not a denomination that would use funds to plant churches, pastors would need to plant their own churches or appropriate other chuches. Pastors were not expected to have the funds to buy the Calvary Chapel franchise to start with, so all churches would begin as nondescript non-denoms with boards until the church built up enough funds to buy the franchise. When the church voted to buy the franchise name and logo, they would also be voting (usually unawares) on a "Mosaic" church government model that autocratically gave the pastor authority over the church finances, assets, board, you name it. While there are over 1000 official Calvary Chapel's, there are thousands more non-denoms planted and infused by church planters trained on Chuck Smith's church growth techniques.

My contention is that the as these techniques distilled though American Evangelicalism by the mid-1980s, they laid the ground work for the application of more "advanced" CEO business tactics to the "Mosaic" model of church growth and government, which were "perfected" in the Druckerites.

In order to get the church big enough to afford the franchise, Chuck Smith had a specific formula around growing churches, which included making the services into entertaining sermon shows with concert quality worship programs. Added to that were local media blitzes with combined pr, word-of-mouth, and ad campaigns.

The mega-church and the church growth movement was around decades before anyone had heard the name Rick Warren.

And while the business/church growth model may have pre-dated Chuck Smith, it doesn't appear so. It appears he was ordained a minister in the Foursquare Gospel Church (widely known for its theatrical services) shortly after the death of founder Aimee Semple McPherson, but became disallusioned over disagreements on how to DO church growth. In 1965 (When Rick Warren was 11-years old.) Chuck Smith became the pulpit pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa a congregation of 25...

Don't forget that Aimee Semple McPherson's 4-square Angelus Temple was the first megachurch in U.S. History seating over 5000 weekly attendees in 1923.

While nearly all modern megachurch's were founded after 1955, most did not experience mega-growth until the beginning of the 80's.

This puts Chuck Smith as the leader in the evangelical movement of applying business concepts (franchise) to church growth models, working off of the theatrical groundwork laid by Charles Grandison Finney in the 2nd Great Awakening and "perfected" into Megadom by McPherson in the 1920's.

A concerned consumer

It would be interesting to see a list of the "products" that should be included in the recall.

Has anyone thought to put that together.

Someone should start a petition or put together a class-action suit or something.

A concerned consumer

Two years ago I was at one of the satellite locations for the Willow Creek Leadership Summit.

Fully 25% of the books on sale for the event were either written by or endorsed by high profile Emergents.

If you didn't count the books written by those who were invited to speak at the event then the only books available were from the Emergent Church product line.

Certainly a very deliberate push of Emergence merchandise at this event.

Maybe they knew that the end of the trend was in sight and they wanted to clear out their remaining stock.

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