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Steve Blackwell


Good point. Jesus was not very accommodating at all. The Lord always brings us to the threshold of death, then asks us to step over. It is that stepping over part that separates the narrow way from the broad way.

Keep plowing brother,

Steve Blackwell (greetings from Zionsville)

Robbie F

Hey, what about the apostle Paul? In Acts 20, he gets into the pulpit & talks all day and into the night. Around midnight, a kid named Eutychus fell asleep on the windowsill & fell three stories to his death. Paul only paused long enough to raise Eutychus from the dead, then went on with his sermon until sun-up. Whew!


Wow! Good stuff Mr. Rosebrough. It's actually kind of sad, but at the same time refreshingly humbling hearing how pathetic we humans and our little ideas are.

Justin Andrusk

You would think that Jesus was expected to comply with the standards of sinful man instead of setting the standard by means of His teaching. Oh that's right, he did it is just sinful man who refuses to submit to lucidity of the Scriptures.

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