You’ve probably heard it a million times, but it is worth reminding you that Rick Warren wants a “Second-Reformation” of deeds instead of creeds, of behavior instead of belief. In Warren’s way of thinking, it shouldn’t matter what you believe, the only thing that should matter is what you do. Here is the quote.
Since Warren is a firm believer and practitioner of corporate marketing techniques, I’ve got a great idea that will help Warren reinforce his vision for a Second-Reformation. I think he needs to give an award each year to the person that best exemplifies a ministry of deeds rather than creeds.
As I have been following the installment of Katharine Jefferts Schori as presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, I could not help but notice that this woman sounds to me like the perfect candidate for this award. She is the PERFECT example of what Rick Warren is describing in his vision of a Second-Reformation. In fact, I’d like to nominate her for the “2006 Second-Reformation Award for Excellence in Deeds Rather Than Creeds”.
Check out her qualifications. They are IMPRESSIVE!
1. Katherine Jefferts Schori is doctrinally non-exclusive and creedaly open-minded. She believes that Jesus is “A” way of salvation, but not “THE ONLY” way of salvation. Here is Bishop Schori speaking on the issue that no one can have the ‘fullness of truth’ and that ‘God is bigger than that’.
2. Bishop Schori is ardently in favor of solving such issues as global poverty, AIDS, gender equality and education. In fact, the Episcopal church’s Milleninium Development Goals are more impressive than Rick Warren’s P.E.A.C.E. Plan. Here is Bishop Schori discussing how salvation should be about holy living.
I think that Bishop Schori helps us better understand what Rick Warren’s vision for a Second-Reformation looks like. She’s a global activist who could care less about the exclusive claims of scripture and Jesus’ claim to be the only way of salvation. She’s all about love and holy living by tackling social problems. Her BEHAVIOR is amazing! Don't you think she is the perfect Second-Reformation woman?
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